Labour let down British workers.
They failed to recognise that if you have a welfare system that doesn't make work worthwhile or support people into jobs, you pay the price elsewhere. And while British workers were left on the sidelines, the number of foreign people in jobs rocketed to record levels.
But with our long-term economic plan, the Conservatives are putting right the mess Labour left behind. We're capping welfare and reducing immigration so that our economy delivers for those who want to work hard and play by the rules.
In our first three years in government, the number of British people in a job has risen by 538,000. That's 538,000 more people taking home pay cheques each week and being able to provide for their families.
We can never go back to Labour's way of uncapped welfare and out-of-control immigration. Share this graphic on Facebook and Twitter, forward this email to your friends and family – let people know that the Conservatives are fixing Labour's mess and securing Britain's future.